Staying put by the virtue of being born first!     Follow


This sibling occupying the main chair of a State-run body oiling the nation has been truanting for some time, they say.


The dude had gone missing ever since his boss, the elder one had asked him to step down with grace.

The rift between the siblings had started when the elder one had decided to dispose of what the younger one had been proposing – mostly things questionable!

Although the oil chief is keeping away from work, he regularly draws his monthly pay - a hefty amount and enjoys all other perks that go with the post.

If a close pal quietly asks him why he is staying put when he is getting a shabby deal from the elder one, he would say: “None can send me out! I have been born before those trying to send me out!”

The affairs at the oiling body have now fallen into a melting pot due to the ongoing rift between the siblings, they say.

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