The fury of a scorned female politico!     Follow


A female politico who had taken offence for excluding her followers from an aid programme launched by a party heavyweight is said to have begun boycotting the public functions, which the party chief and the other party bigwigs are billed to attend as distinguished guests.


The family members of a prominent party stalwart had taken the initiative to distribute an aid package to party supporters as a vote-catching gimmick given the polls are around the corner.

The female politico too had sent them a list of her close followers to be included in the list of aid package beneficiaries drawn up by them. However, they had discarded the list sent by her and proceeded to distribute aid among their own selectees.

Angered by this ‘act of discrimination’, the female politico had made a complaint to the party hierarchy, but the latter had failed to intervene.

She is said to be going around her area these days telling all and sundry that she would teach a good lesson to the party high-ups for the step-motherly treatment being meted out to her.

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