They all shy away from passive smoking!     Follow


A former deputy was languishing at home following his defeat at the polls when he was offered the chair of a state undertaking involved in trade.


This worthy is said to be a chain smoker who has failed to give up the habit despite it being offensive to those with whom he must deal with during the working hours. 

Directors as well as all top executives of this establishment fight shy of entering the air-conditioned office of this person when he is at his desk, because it is always filled with tobacco smoke. This has resulted in a communication gap between the management and the top executives to the detriment of the efficient running of this establishment, they say. 

The situation at this establishment has been brought to the notice of the political authority responsible for overseeing it, but he had not acted so far either to remove the fag-puffing head or advise him not to smoke while on duty if he cannot kick the habit.

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