They didn’t want to court trouble!     Follow


The Green party Diyawanna group met for the regular stock-taking at the party chief’s official residence the other day.


While the members occupying the front row seats were dwelling on topical national issues one after another, two members in a back row were having an intimate chat of their own.

One of the duo had suddenly told the other: “Machang, ask them when they are going to put an end to the accursed oil price formula.”

“I can’t, Machang. You ask the question yourself!” was the other member’s instant reply.

Thereafter, both had fallen into a silence as if they had started mulling over the issue. Presently the first member had opened again. “Come to think of it, better not ask the question, Machang. After all, why should we get into unnecessary troubles by asking questions?”

The other had nodded assent.

However, some members had overheard the brief but interesting dialogue and had leaked it to the media.     

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