This place is being packed with political appointees!     Follow


This establishment titled as an authority is a major key undertaking in the State sector. They have suddenly started recruiting employees in hordes to it, they say.


As a matter of long-established procedure, only skilled workers who have undergone specific vocational training courses are normally recruited to this State authority. However, those joining the workforce here these days do not possess basic educational qualifications let alone the required skills.  Most of these new recruits are from villages alongside the lower reaches of Kalu Ganga, they say.

As there are no jobs to be assigned to these new workers recruited far in excess of the cadre requirements, some new jobs have been created for them at this authority. Their jobs are connected to the mail every day received at the authority. Some are deployed for opening the letters, some others for jobs like recording them in a register, distributing them to various divisions etc. Some old-timers at the authority highly amused about this situation joke that the new chaps seem to be good at ‘evaporating’ letters as well.

If the powerful politicos continue to ‘plant’ their henchmen at this rate in this authority overlooking the sea, the day it is destined to fold up is not far away, say veterans at the place.

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