Waiting for the green signal!

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An opposition heavyweight these days is said to be making a try to meet the Big Boss of the regime. 

This usually vociferous heavyweight who often holds media briefings to make his voice heard is heading a political alliance. 

According to the information filtering through, the politico has got set to do a pole-vault to the regime. His own acolytes do not deny this, they say. In fact, one or two from his alliance who have already defected to the regime are reportedly having a good time there. 

Meanwhile, another high-up of the alliance is about to throw in his lot with the regime. 

The politico set for the pole-vault held a portfolio in the yahapalanaya regime as well. The hill country is their main political base. He is said to be getting the prodding from a lady as well to join the regime.

The politico is somewhat despondent these days due to the delay in getting the green light for the decisive meeting, they say. 


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