Weeding out the unwanted!

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The Green leader recently attended a meeting of the party’s electoral level organizers of the Kandy district held to review the progress of the party’s crash propaganda programme planned out in connection with the upcoming provincial and national polls.


Addressing the gathering, the Green leader announced that they had no alternative but to remove the weak organizers to make way for the new blood. No sooner had the party leader issued this ultimatum than a din rose from the audience calling for the immediate removal of a Diyawanna member and another electorate organizer from their posts.

The Diyawanna member they had wanted to be ousted from his organizer post immediately is a politico hailing from a political family dominating an electorate adjoining the Kandy district. This member had been in the news in the recent past for some shenanigans of his which the public had 
frowned on.

The Green leader, thereupon, called on the party’s Kandy district ‘Lucky’ leader to suitably deal with the two organizers who had drawn a howl of disapproval from the audience.

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