Will he resist the lure of dirty lucre?

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When the political horse-trading that followed the regime change was on a very high gear, a Diyawanna politico from an East-based minor political party got a deputy office after a successful bargain. 


It did not take long for the party leader to hear that one of his men had played Judas and he decided to bring the renegade back to the fold with the least delay to ward off the damage to the party’s image.

The pole-vaulter soon learnt that the party leader was on his trail and went into hiding.

The party leader finding no trace of the missing party renegade met the Pohottuwa demagogue himself and appealed to him to keep under the wrap the fact that their member had been sworn in as a deputy of the new regime.

“Please don’t breathe a word about this to media at least until we, as a party, take a collective decision about our stance…” he pleaded. The demagogue readily agreed to keep the affair a secret and later apprised the party boss of the undertaking given by him.  They both kept 
their word.

Meanwhile, the pole-vaulter emerged from his hideout but kept away from the new regime. But he did not send in resignation either.

Now, the party is keeping the man under close surveillance, they say.

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