Wooing the one they deserted

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There was a special meeting of Blue party big guns at the residence of a Southern party stalwart holding a big secretarial office.


When the subject of the local polls round the corner came up, some of them pointed out that winning the polls would be no easy task given the present political situation unfavourable for the party. At this stage, several stalwarts took up the position that they should have the blessings of the former strongman if they were to win the polls. To everyone’s surprise, it was a big-mouthed flamboyant one from Uva holding purohita status at state level who took his turn to fiercely support this idea. “We can’t win any future election without his blessings. That’s the reality,” he asserted despite being critical of the former boss in the recent past. 

However, the secretarial one playing the host immediately took exception to this proposition. “I understand that the vociferous group loyal to the former boss has entered into a secret pact with the Green party. So wooing the former boss is out of question,” he pointed out.

A heated argument over pros and cons of wooing the former boss ensued. And it was the flamboyant one from Uva who had the last word: “Fabricating stories will take us nowhere. Let us either face the ground reality or be resigned to come what may!”, he said.

The argument ended on this indecisive note.

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