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This former Diyawanna politico with diverse business interests took advantage of his closeness to the throne and a monitoring job thrust on him to run the country’s foreign affairs as he wanted.


And that and his other doings not only brought the Government then in power into much disrepute, but also, he had to reap the harvest of what he had sown at least in part when he had to languish in the State-run lodge for a while under the new dispensation.

The man went into oblivion later and after some time emerged from his hideaway to make a comeback to the public life in a big way through the glory of the former strongman. However, the former strongman despite his soft corner for the man had to disown him due to a howl of protests from close associates against accommodating the prodigal one back in the fold. 

The man becoming sick of being too long in the cold storage, reportedly called on his onetime mentor once again seeking nomination to contest the upcoming general polls on the Pohottuwa ticket. 
The former strongman, however, finding that his onetime buddy’s visit had created ripples of discontent among his loyalists had given him the red signal again, they say.  

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