Yet another horse in the race!     Follow


Some politicos suddenly discover that they are beneficiaries of Rajayoga when an election is close at hand. 


This story is about such a Rajayoga beneficiary hailing from Wayamba. 

This Diyawanna member who tried his political luck in several parties during his relatively short career threw in his lot with the Blue party in the recent past acknowledging the leadership of the Compassionate One. 

Meanwhile, an astrologer had predicted that a Rajayoga indicated in his Natal Chart was due to fructify shortly. 

Of course, the astrologer had revealed this prediction in confidence to him, but fired with high expectations, the ambitious politico had made it known to intimates, faithfuls and numerous well- wishers that the Rajayoga is powerful enough even to take him from the Number Two position to Number One itself in due course.

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