A novel situation, says Modi

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Indian Prime Minister Modi met a number of politicos from both sides of the great divide here during his four-day visit.

Among the politicos whom Modi met was a group of Diyawanna members from the main opposition. The venue of this meeting was a leading hotel in Colombo.  During the usual exchange of pleasantries, Modi had inquired from the Diyawanna members who was their party leader. “Our party leader is the President,” they had replied. Visibly taken aback by this reply, the Indian PM had again asked: “Does the government command a majority in the House?”  “No. We are the majority in the House,” the Diyawanna members replied.

“Then who is running the government now?”

“Those in the opposition then are now running the government.”

“Ah! A novel situation! I was bowled over for a moment!” said Modi with a smile.

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