A prediction by a reluctant royal astrologer: “Stormy times are ahead!”

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The royal astrologer who had to see stars when he discovered on the D-day last January that he had misread the stars, has now confined his practice to reading personal horoscopes

The other day a high political authority of the yahapalanaya government had called on the royal astrologer and asked him to make a prediction about the outcome of the coming general election. But the royal astrologer had told him that he had stopped practicing Mundane Astrology – that is making forecasts about political and natural events in store for countries and their political leaders. After much coaxing and cajoling he had come out with a prognostication for the future of the political leaders and a rough estimate of the showing of each main political party at the coming general election.

“Doesn’t this mean that a stormy period is ahead for our country?” was the government authority’s response which had sounded more as a statement than a question.  As he walked up to his waiting car, the political authority had his head bent low as if it was weighed down by heavy thoughts, they say.

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