An irate local politico confronts ex-Minister     Follow

There were a large number of politicos from both sides of the great divide at the funeral of the mother of the new one leading the opposition side at the Diyawanna House.

They were in little knots discussing the latest political developments and prognosticating what was yet to come.

Among the politicos present was a Minister who was looking after wildlife under the previous dispensation. He was chatting to several colleagues when a local politico belligerently barged in on the group and began berating him. The intruder charged that the former Minister had become so ungrateful overnight to the former Boss as to compare him to a dead body awaiting early disposal. The former Minister who was not prepared to be outdone hit back at the intruder with a vengence. Even choice obscenities flew back and forth during the heated exchange that ensured.

When the argument took an ugly turn, the embarrassed visitors disappeared from the scene one by one. The former Minister who realized that the local politico who hailed from the same area was not prepared to give way, he decided to end it his way. He abruptly turned his back on his antagonist and walked away

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