Borrowed coat saves the occasion     Follow

A Diyawanna member looking after an electorate close to Puttalam received an unexpected call from the main Secretariat to call over there to take oaths as a Minister.

“Being given only one hour’s notice, the Diyawanna member hurriedly dressed up and rushed to the swearing-in ceremony.

Several political colleagues already present at the ceremony hailed the latest arrival and one of them remarked that the coat he was wearing was too tight for him and not befitting the occasion

The appointed time for swearing-in was only minutes away and he had no time to go anywhere to do a change.

Acting on a sudden brain wave he rushed to the section of the Secretariat where the staff were working.  He spotted a high official of just about his size – in height and shoulder width – went to him and told him that he wanted to borrow his coat for 10 minutes.  The official readily obliged.

And the Diyawanna member rushed back just on time to take his oaths!


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