Cake for not fighting over ‘manape’ goes to red comrades!     Follow

Counting of ‘manape’ votes saw much excitement and commotion marked by scuffles and arguments outside most counting centers.

At the Colombo Kachcheri, several red-faced candidates from both main parties called for recounts. Meanwhile, a scuffle broke out outside a counting centre in Kurunegala where the protagonist was a former Ministerial one. The scuffle continued until the arrival at the scene of security personnel from a special unit, they say.

A fair candidate at a counting centre in Sabaragamuwa had broken down in tears on hearing of her ‘manape’ result. Certain disappointed candidates also had tried to stage a sit-in opposite this counting centre as a mark of protest against the results announced.

Only comrades of the Bell party have won kudos from election observers for steering clear of ‘manape’ – related untoward incidents, they say.

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