Cash-strapped soon after losing office     Follow

A Diyawanna member from the Puttalam district who lost his Ministerial portfolio following the recent great change sent an SMS to an erstwhile colleague from Matara briefly explaining his present plight. The following is the text of the SMS:

“Though we held high office, Machang, we did not make money. And I don’t have money now.  I handed over the official Ministry vehicle yesterday. I have no vehicle to go about either.  I propose to buy a double cab with money borrowed from friends. I suppose you are also in the same boat… Machang, have you got a vehicle go about?”

The ex-Minister from Matara sent this reply: “I too don’t have a vehicle.  I asked a friend to loan me one. I may get it. True, we don’t have money. But we can enjoy the luxury of a peaceful sleep. Is that not enough?  People might be surprised to learn that there are people like us still in politics, Machang.”
The Puttalam member’s father too had been a Cabinet Minister.  His colleague from Matara had represented his seat in the big council for the past 20 years.  

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