Choice of a symbol for coming election sets a poser     Follow

Now that the Parliamentary elections are only three months away, the two main political parties, the UPFA and the UNP have already begun discussions on how they should face the impending challenge.

Both parties have found that they are beset with several minor problems which they should sort out before taking up the main task of gearing up the organizational machinery.

One of these minor problems common to both parties is choosing the party symbol for the coming elections.

One powerful section of the Betel leaf party has taken up the position that they stand a better chance of winning if they contest under the ‘Hand’ symbol. Another section maintains now that the voters are now so familiar with the Betel leaf symbol, it is to their advantage to continue with this symbol at future elections as well.

Meanwhile, the front-liners of the Green party are also split over the question of the symbol for the next general election.  The former chairman and the ones now in charge of Finance and the Foreign Affairs are holding a strong brief for contesting under the ‘Swan’ symbol. However, a large majority in the party prefer the party symbol, ‘Elephant’ to any other, they say.

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