Consumers get a raw deal from new boss!     Follow

This particular state-owned trading undertaking was established long ago to give a fair deal to ordinary consumers.

This establishment which was meant to be a boon to the general public turned out to be a bane from time to time  when the political appointees who helmed it resorted to malpractices either to oblige their Masters or for personal gain.

Employees of this establishment have now begun talking in whispers among themselves about the ‘funny doings’ of their new Boss which they say, are a far cry from the ‘yahapalanaya’ concept of the Maithri administration. For instance, he has issued a directive to the procurement division that they should purchase supplies only from the suppliers he recommends.

“Because of this directive, we have to purchase goods from a few select suppliers at the prices they dictate in the absence of the usual competition,” an employee complained.

A few bold ones at the establishment had pointed out to the new Boss that his directive, apart from constituting a departure from the recognized practice is causing an injustice to the consumers. Taking offence at ‘challenging his authority’, the new Boss has already taken disciplinary action against a bold female official. The other bold ones fear similar treatment from the angry new Boss sooner or later.


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