Douggie misses the bus     Follow

Douggie who once strutted about like a vein peacock in the North has now been reduced to a crestfallen pathetic figure.

 Losing his long-held Ministerial portfolio was bad enough. And the worst possible too has happened. He lost his electorate too.

After all, Douggie is a politician and didn’t someone say that politics is the art of the possible?

He met the former Madam. And he didn’t cut corners in approaching the subject.  “Madam, we supported you when you were in office. Later we had to throw in our lot with the deposed Big Boss. But that is a thing of the past. We wish to extend our support to the new incumbent,” he explained.

The former Madam who gave a patient hearing to Douggie, said: “Douggie, you have missed the bus. Besides, there are no more seats in the bus to offer you. There is yet another problem: If we accommodated you, your rival group that stood by us all along is sure to leave the bus. We are sorry we cannot accept your support!”

Douggie cut a sorry figure as he walked away with his head bowed.

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