He is waiting to say, “Sorry” and make up!

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This occupant of a big chair in the opposition incurred the wrath of the deposed strongman when he avoided answering an urgent telephone call by the latter. Of course, at that time he had a blown-up sense of self-importance.

He sensed that his political clout was on the wane when he learnt that his Betel leaf associates were meeting the deposed strongman on and off on the sly. Reading this as ill wind blowing him no good, he decided he too should meet the former boss and patch up the differences with him.

The opposition bigwig made a plea to several political intimates of the deposed strongman to arrange a meeting between him and the latter without avail. He later appealed to the scion of Boralugoda to help him to fulfil his wish. “I hear that our former boss is mad at me these days.  I want to dispel whatever misunderstanding that stands between us. Therefore, kindly take me to him when he is in a good mood.”

But the Boralugoda colleague had turned a deaf ear to this impassioned plea.   Finally, the opposition big gun had decided to call on the former boss alone come hell or high water.  

A few days later he met the estranged former boss by chance at a wedding, but found the place too crowded to hold out the olive branch.  


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