He loses both his job and ladylove

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This is a poignant love story replete with all ingredients of a whirlwind romance.

Romeo in this story is a ‘heroic lion’ who once presided over our national airline. Juliet is a comely lass who worked on the airline.

Romeo lost his prestigious job with the recent regime change. Meanwhile, his legal better half who came to know about his escapades had given him a wide berth.

Our worthy, lovesick to the core of his soul, the other day rushed to the airport on hearing that his Juliet was to emplane for Singapore.  He was cooling his heels for hours in the departure lounge, but the lass did not turn up.

Then suddenly he got a call from Singapore. The caller was none other his ladylove. “I understand that you are at the airport waiting to see me off,” she told the former boss. “I am now abroad for good. Please go back home without wasting your time.”

By the time the highly ruffled Romeo collected his scattered wits to pour out his aching heart to her, she had already disconnected the call. 

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