He stands pat on `black sheep’ until they are proven guilty

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It is now a public secret that the former Madam left the country in a huff taking offense at being elected to a high office in the Blue party on par with the deposed Big Boss and a few other seniors.

A story making rounds in the Blue party says that she had yet another reason for her abrupt departure for her second home abroad: the summary dismissal by the New Big Boss of a serious proposal made to him by her.

The former Madam had handed to the new Big Boss a list of party ‘black sheep’saying that they should not be given the party ticket to contest the general elections in the offing. However, the New Big Boss had said: “It is not fair to reject any of our party members just because there are allegations against them. We should not hold old grudges against people either. After all, everyone is presumed innocent, until proven guilty in a court of law.”  

This response had got her goat and she had gone into a harangue on how hard she worked to enthrone the new regime. “You may sink or swim – I don’t care hereafter,” had been her parting words.

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