He was welcomed at the other rally!

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This Diyawanna member did a pole-vault to the government party soon after his election to the Diyawanna Council.  He was an attendee at the Blue party’s May Day rally at Hyde Park.

Getting into an expansive mood, he requested the organisers to list him as a speaker at the rally. In fact, he had thought that his elder brother being a leader of a minority political party with a sizable following in the Colombo district, the organizers would readily welcome his request.

The organisers ignored the Diyawanna member’s request and the latter flew into a rage. He immediately stepped down from the May Day stage and made a beeline to the Kirillapone May Day rally organised by the deposed strongman’s cabal.    

The organisers of the Kirillapone rally received the latest volunteer with open arms and also invited him to address the rally.

And the politico used this opportunity to slam the Maithri- camp of the Blue party left, right and centre, they say.

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