His ‘democratic ploy’ misfired!

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This ex-tuition master, a faithful follower of the deposed strongman, held Ministerial office under the Betel leaf regime and now he has been returned to Diyawanna from the Colombo district.

Seeing his colleagues queuing up for portfolios on offer, this worthy also was wavering between two minds about following suit. Things were moving fast and he had no time to lose. However, he had to think of his self-respect. So he decided to go about it the democratic way. 

The politico summoned an emergency meeting of the electorate-level party organization and placed the matter before the membership: “The new government wants me to accept some important office. So may I accept this invitation so that I will be in a better position to serve you all? “

The question he posed was the signal for bedlam to break loose.  Some heckled him and some others jeered at him. “Go! Go! But don’t come back,” some of them shouted. Remarks such as “Go! We can find another leader” “There is none here to follow you!” were heard above the din.

The former Ministerial one was still trying to make up his mind one way or the other when he left Homagama for Colombo, they say.

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