“I can’t let down my voters!”

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Family and political intimates of the former strongman were discussing the latter’s political future at a meeting held at his residence.

Some of them asked the former strongman why he decided to descend to the level of an ordinary backbencher in Diyawanna House after having occupied the highest office in the country for two terms.

The former strongman replied that Diyawanna was the starting point of his political career.

Another intimate remarked: “People will continue to look on you with the same respect whether you go back to Diyawanna or not.”

“When you are in politics, you get both respect and disrespect,” said the former strongman. “But that’s immaterial in the present context. I addressed only two or three election rallies in Kurunegala. Yet over four lakhs of people voted for me. Am I not letting down these voters if I decide not to occupy my seat in the House?”

“Do you mean that you have already made up your mind,” the intimate asked again. “Yes, I have,” replied the former strongman.


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