It was not the first time!     Follow

We all now know that the former Bell party chief the other day staged a brief Satyagraha at Independence Square to urge the authorities to investigate the alleged conspiracy aimed at keeping the former strongman in the saddle of power disregarding the result of the January 8 presidential poll.

However, according to information filtering through the Bell party sources this was not the first time the former chief had staged a sit-in over the issue. One night several weeks ago, the former chief had come all alone to Independence Square and sat under a tree by the roadside and begun a ‘fast-unto-death’ unknown to party stalwarts or the media.

Several hours later on hearing that the former chief was seen seated by the roadside all alone at the Independence Square,  several  party high ups who were at the party headquarters rushed to the scene and had forcibly taken  him away.

The former Bell party chief earlier in the night had urged, without avail, the young party front-liners to embark on some drastic action to press the authorities to probe the alleged failed coup bid.  The former Chief had left the headquarters in a huff and had made a beeline to Independence Square partly to teach a lesson to the bucks of the party hierarchy who would not listen to him.

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