Loyalties and habits die hard!

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The new Big Boss chaired a Betel Party conference held in Uva recently.

The first to address the confab was the former talkative Ministerial Madam. She started off with the customary preamble of seeking the permission of the chair, but the name she used was that of the deposed strongman! There were immediate titters from the audience and the talkative Madam correcting herself begged the permission of the new Big Boss in the chair to proceed with her speech.

She later declared several times during her speech that the comeback of the deposed strongman to the Betel Party was a must if it is to win the upcoming general election. Her repeated calls for the former strongman’s return to active politics to lead the Betel Party to victory drew applause from the audience. However, there were dissenting voices that led to a charged atmosphere. And tensions had run high until the New Big Boss rose to his feet to deliver his address.

The New Big Boss in a hard hitting speech traced the history of the Blue party and admonished the members for failing to learn lessons from the history of the party. And the once noisy audience listened to him in pin-drop silence, they say.

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