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The political circles these days are abuzz with the news that moves are afoot to arrest at least two Diyawanna members on serious charges and they are likely to be accommodated in a state-run lodge like the one at Welikada after being produced in courts.

One of these Diyawanna members hailing from Colombo is facing drug-related charges. The other one is facing a multitude of charges ranging from the commission of frauds and breaches of trust to operating illegal aviation services. He has been returned to Diyawanna from a district in the South.

They say that the legal authorities have given the nod for their arrest following establishing prima facies cases against them.

Meanwhile, another story doing the rounds says that the errant Diyawanna member from the South is set to betray a member of a leading political clan in the Deep South in a bid to escape from his present predicament.

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