Ministerial portfolio more alluring than main opposition chair!     Follow

In an unprecedented development in the country’s Diyawanna history, the members of the main political party that lost the election have been given the option either to throw in their lot with the government or to sit in the opposition.

In this situation the question of picking a suitable member for the main chair in the opposition from among those opting to sit in the opposition has become a hot topic in the Betel leaf circles.

One of the three names for the opposition’s main chair now being bandied about is that of the Senior Banda from the hills who lost his seat, they say.  The former Madam currently taking a keen interest in the affairs of the Blue party has proposed the name of the former Wayamba provincial chief. However, the Compassionate One has pointed out that the young former Ministerial one from Rajarata is better suited for the post as he is already holding a responsible position in the Blue party. Meanwhile, the deposed strongman’s favorite, the Prince from Kalutara is still in the running for the post. However, the three Blue party members now being considered for the main opposition chair are covertly eyeing Ministerial portfolios. In the circumstances, an eleventh hour surprise choice for the post is not ruled out, they say.

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