New high end appointments trigger a furor     Follow

Certain high end appointments made since the compassionate regime taking office has triggered a roaring furor in government circles.

Those unhappy over these appointments have complained to the Compassionate One that the names of some of the appointees figure prominently in the Black Book opened by the UDF stalwarts at the height of the recent hustings with a view to bringing to justice high public officials who resorted to corrupt practices to ensure a third term for the former Big Boss.

Among the big guns kicking up a row over the new appointments is former Madam, a co-architect of the alliance that brought the compassionate rule to power.  She has expressed her displeasure in no uncertain terms at the appointment of a onetime crony of the former Big Boss as the Media Secretary overlooking the credentials of the lady who handled their media job in the run-up to the poll.

Meanwhile, the deposed General reportedly flew into a rage on hearing that another lackey of the previous regime was installed in the highest chair of a state-owned media institution.

However, the Compassionate One has said in response to the protests and complaints against the new appointments that he would not be able to run the administration if he started sacking one by one all the public officials who carried out illegal orders of their former political bosses. Given this stand taken up by the Compassionate One, all indications are that all new high end appointees including his own secretary and the Defense secretary will survive their new positions at least until a new Parliament is elected following the 100- day interim rule.

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