Official stands up to politico     Follow

A certain Ministerial one with a deforesting record recently called at the office handling Home Affairs.

He handed a list carrying the names of about 25 high officials to the secretary heading the administration and said: “All these fellows are serving in my area. I don’t get any co-operation from them. I want you to transfer them all out of the district.”

“How am I to transfer out so many officials en bloc?”  The secretary asked.  “Don’t ask me how? Send out the whole lot. We formed this government to do things the way we want!”  

The secretary put his foot down. “There is a procedure relating to the  transfer of officials. I can’t depart from that procedure.”
“Hang your procedure! You have to do it!” the Ministerial one stamped his foot in anger.

“We have to observe the procedure. We can’t go against the basics of yahapalanya,” the secretary asserted.

“OK. If you can’t send the whole lot out, I’ll get it done by other means,” the Ministerial one vowed as he stormed out.


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