Project to go ahead with new actors!     Follow

Setting up of an international Sports Training school somewhere close to his home turf had been a long cherished plan of the former Sports Chief at the Cabinet level. At long last, he found a Chinese investor willing to launch the project and it was about to take off the ground, alas, when the regime fell.

All about this sports school project came to light soon after the Maithri government took office. The former Ministerial Chief noted for his generosity towards those near and dear to him had even appointed a local agent for the project.
The new authorities were wondering whether to go ahead with this ambitious project, when a member of a political family with siblings well known for their prowess in a popular game visited China.
Lo and behold! The sibling had returned home as the new local agent of the stalled Chinese-funded sports training school project.  Hurried plans are now underway to get it off the ground.

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