Talkative Deputy warned to mind his gab!     Follow

This flamboyant politico from Uva voluble on all topical political issues held a Ministerial office under the previous regime, but he is now only a Deputy.

Recently this Deputy declared that his main political goal at the moment was to oust the Prime Minister of the minority government.  The media gave wide publicity to the statement made by this Deputy and the New Big Boss reacted with anger to it which he considered highly irresponsible.

A few days later, the New Big Boss had a chance of meeting with the Deputy and he decided to express his displeasure over the latter’s controversial statement. He addressed his Deputy: “You have a habit of involving yourself in matters which are none of your business. Hereafter mind your business and mind your gab!”

The Deputy found a more severe warning in the grim look and the stern tone of the usually mild-mannered New Big Boss and decided to mind his gab in earnest. “Yes, Sir,” was his meek reply.

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