The secret behind his refusal!     Follow

The news that a move was afoot to appoint a few more Deputies generated some excitement among the Blue Diyawanna members.

Some members who entertained hope of a deputy office at least this time round were disappointed, when they failed to get the customary call from the main secretariat.

Meanwhile, a plump and short Diyawanna member from the Puttalam District received a call from the main Secretariat.

The call was from the boss of the place himself.  “I am pleased to appoint you as a Deputy,” the Boss told the Diyawanna member.

“Thank you very much, Sir. But I think it is too early for me to aspire to high office.  I am content to continue as an ordinary member,” was the member’s reply.
The new Big Boss, who was surprised at the member declining the offer, learnt the reason for it two days later. The member had signed a pact with another member from the same district to do a simultaneous pole-vault!

Several concerned colleagues who tried to contact the member to check whether there is any truth in the rumour already making rounds, had found that all his phones had gone dead, they say.

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