Treatment after a fall from a great height     Follow

This young Diyawanna member was a powerful person about two months ago. On the final day of the  debate on the mini-budget presented by the new administration, this young flamboyant member met the  Blue stalwart now leading the opposition in the House to make an earnest request to him.  

The dialogue between them proceeded as follows:

Young member:  Will you please allot a few minutes for me to participate in the debate today?

Blue stalwart: Sorry.  You are a little too late.  Time allotments have already been finalized!

Young member:  A few minutes would suffice for me. I hope you can make some adjustment to accommodate me!

Blue stalwart:  You haven’t been listed as a speaker from the opposition.  There is hardly any time to make an adjustment.

Young member: O! I see. If that is the case, there is no purpose in my remaining in the House. I’ll go.  I have got a few urgent matters to attend to in Tangalle…

Blue stalwart:  OK.  I’ll arrange five minutes for you!

Young member: Five minutes is quite enough for me!

(The young member walks away)

A senior politico who overheard the conversation quips: What a quick comedown from a great height!

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