Two turncoat siblings after high office     Follow

The unending stream of well-wishers calling on the Compassionate One ever since being elevated to the highest office has become a big headache to him.

Most of these well-wishers are really seasoned political lackeys who have been used to tasting power and perks under different regimes.

The other day two siblings who had once been very close to the deposed Big Boss called on the Compassionate One. They had earlier made known their intention to extend their unstinted support to ‘the compassionate rule’ by way of setting the stage for this visit. Incidentally the two siblings are closely connected to media and cinema.

Pleasantries over, the Compassionate One inquired by way of common courtesy from the twosome  whether there was any specific purpose for their visit. One of the siblings replied: “Sir, we wish to do something worthwhile for your government in some official capacity.”

The Compassionate One asked them what positions they wished to hold under his administration. One sibling said that he could serve on the directorate of a state-owned bank and the other said he could acquit well on an important commission.

“Why should I offer you high office?” the Compassionate One asked. “Are you seeking a reward for slinging mud at me through that website launched by that fellow to destroy my political career? Do you think that I was not aware of what you two were doing behind the scene? The door is there. Now get out!” And they left without a murmur.

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