Vacancy to be filled only after general elections     Follow


A cold war over the Western Council ministerial vacancy that resulted from the resignation of the ex-Urumaya member of ‘double cross’ fame has begun, they say.

The main contenders for this vacant office are the Charming Lass from Kolonnawa and Colurful Lion quite articulate these days as the media voice of the Urumaya clan.  

The Compassionate One who was called upon to end the war as the new Blue Chief, sought the opinion of the Western Chief as to who of the two aspirants was more qualified to hold the vacant office. “Neither,” replied the Western Chief. “Choosing one of these contenders would mean doing a great injustice to our Sisira, a faithful follower of the Boralugoda clan. In fact, he has been long on the wings waiting for his turn.”

“Well, you had better handle this portfolio yourself for a while,” said the Compassionate One after a moment’s reflection. “I think we can make a safe choice after the general elections round the corner.”

Thus this ceasefire has spared all contenders any immediate heart burn. 

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