Visiting journos get opposition chief’s goat     Follow

A group of journalists from several international media outfits was in the country recently on a fact-finding mission.

They exchanged views with several political and civil society leaders with particular reference to the significant political developments since the new Maithri regime took office.

The visiting media delegates received an invitation from the one who leads the opposition in the Diyawanna House for talks.

The foreign media personnel who called on the opposition chief at his office were given a warm welcome. They sought the views of the opposition chief on the landmark political changes taking place under the new administration. They inquired about the present status of the Right to Information Bill and also his stand on several controversial issues. They also raised questions relating to certain actions by the previous government which constituted serious assaults on media freedom.

Visibly irked by the questions posed to him, the opposition chief indicated to them that they were going too far in pursuit of information. However, there was no relenting on the part of the foreign journalists. And the opposition chief in a sudden burst of fury yelled at them, “We are not interested in so-called ideals upheld by you people in the West, nor are we prepared to dance to the tune set by Western powers…”

Flabbergasted by this acrid outpouring, the visiting journalists walked out calling it a day. They readily agreed to a remark made by one of them that they had never met an opposition chief like this one in any other country.

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