Waiting for the nod from the new Boss for their own Govt

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After the April 23 D-day what? This is the main question being asked in political circles and in the corridors of politcal power these days. Both the Greens and the Reds of the new left have taken up the stance that the 100-day mandate given to the new government at the January 8 Presidential poll expires by April 23 and the government has no moral right to continure in office any longer.

However, the Blues now sitting in the opposition are coming up with many reasons to justify that the Maithri regime should continue in office beyond the self-imposed April 23 deadline. They insist on bringing about electoral reforms as a concommitant to pruning powers of the Executive Presidency. They also call for the formation of a national government as a continuance of the present regime. However, there are a few Blue Diyawanna members like ‘Fieldvillage’ who openly oppose the idea of a national government.

Meanwhile, the Green bigwigs have proposed that the entire Cabinet should resign if the Parliament is not dissolved by April 23. This proposal has been sweet music to certain Blue heavyweights now languishing in the opposition after years of tasting the nectar of power. “That would be fine. If they resign en bloc, we can form a giovernment of our own to rule for the balance two year term. In such an event it would not be difficult to entice one or two Green members as well if need be,” a Blue front-liner had said.  

The Blue stalwarts are said to be now quietly setting the stage to get the green light  for the proposal from the new Big Boss.

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