Why the deposed Big Boss stepped down

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A group of bigwigs of the previous regime loyal to the former Boss met to discuss the future of their alliance.

Several ex-Ministers who were articulate at this powwow took up the position that the party would quickly bounce back to its previous position of strength, if the deposed Boss took over the leadership again. Some agreed and some others acquiesced. Later they called on the former Boss to convey their decision.
The former Big Boss, sadder but wiser, gave an attentive ear to what his loyalists had to say. And while the discussion was on, he was also carefully observing the demeanour of each member of the group as if to find a clue to their inner thinking. Later, the former Big Boss told his visitors that he would come back to them after carefully considering their invitation.

Discussion over, the loyalists began leaving one by one.  However, a few ex-Ministers remained as if they had some afterthoughts to share with the Boss.  After exchanging a few minutes of small talk with the stragglers, the deposed Big Boss said: “Did you observe that ‘one’ was studying the patterns on the floor without making any comment during the entire discussion? Was it not obvious that he did not welcome my entering the council to lead the opposition?”  He added after a pause. “You make him happy by offering this important office to him and leave me out of the scene!”

So the one who once led the government side is now due to lead the opposition!

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