Wife and children of missing journo left in the lurch?

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Demonstrations were held opposite the Colombo Fort railway station at regular intervals for the past five years by opposition politicos and civil society outfits including media groups to urge the then government to launch investigations in earnest to trace the whereabouts of a certain journalist who had disappeared into thin air.

 The then opposition politicos and civil society activists also made it a point to meet the wife and children of the disappeared journalist very often to share their grief and assure them of their solidarity with their relentless effort to find a clue as to what had become of their loved one.

The wife and children of the disappeared journalist along with a small group of sympathizers staged a demonstration as usual opposite the Fort railway station quite recently; this time round to call on the new government to resolve the mystery shrouding the disappearance of their loved one.  However, most activists who were with the family spearheading the agitation for government action to unearth the missing journo were conspicuous by their absence at the recent demonstration.

Highly disappointed over the sudden change of attitude of the long- standing advocates of her cause, the aggrieved lady had opened up her heart even to a highly respected monk dedicated to the mission of ushering in a just society.

Meanwhile, they say that the case of the missing journo does not figure among the probes relating to media suppression during the past regime set to be launched.

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