‘I Too Got A Tempting Offer To Crossover’

Former Parliamentarian and the opposition leader of the Uva Provincial Council, Harin Fernando says he too was offered an attractive sum to join the government. Casting off the rumours of a crossover, he stated he would stick with the United National Party (UNP) and will work towards the victory of the common candidate.



Q You are someone who spoke about revival of the UNP. Also you received the highest number of preferential votes at the Uva Provincial elections. What is your contribution for the upcoming Presidential election?

At the moment I am one of the key speakers at the MS campaign. I am concentrating on my district. I personally believe the whole change as in conducting the Presidential election early as a result of Uva Provincial election. The Government realised the need to have an early election as they know that the more they delay it would be difficult to win.


Q Recently you said there will be significant changes in the Uva Provincial Council. But we did not see any change so far. The change you said, is it actually happening?

Unfortunately it is a big battle. But we are confident we will be able to topple the Council. Earlier we had only three members to be taken and now we have four with the crossover of one of our members. However the members who crossover to the opposition do so for a cause. The cause is basically for a common cause of abolition of executive presidency, whereas the crossover from the opposition to the government is completely based on perks, benefits etc. Therefore, it is not easy. But I am confident that we are strong enough to get honest politicians to come out.


Q Having to secure the highest number of preferential votes in history, why do say it is not easy?
As I said, it is all about money. Offers have been made to me. There are people who cannot be bought for money but there are some who have problems. Especially financial issues and we are right after an election. Many people who got elected have their own financial issues. This is a very critical time to find funding.


Q You said offers were made to you too. Also there were rumours that you will be joining the government. What do you have to say about this?

They are in fact baseless. It is a smart ploy by the government. Presently I have not had any discussions with the government. I am somebody who left my parliamentary seat and contested for the Provincial Council. I have been sidelined from TV debates as the government says I am a Provincial Councillor. I have taken a step back for the Party’s well-being.As a person who was instrumental behind the common candidate I am very keen to be here and taste the victory that I initiated.


Q Right after the Uva PC election you were offered the Chairmanship of the National youth Front (NYF). What made you to refuse it?

I refused because of two things. At that moment it was too early to take up such a position as I was right after an election.Also Ruwan Wijewardana and I are very good friends. I personally believe he started the programme and he had a plan. I did not have a plan for the NYF as I was not prepared. I would have had to start all over again if I took over. Position does not matter as we work together.


Q As the Government always asks, why did the UNP fail to field their own candidate for the Presidential election?

Last election was the best examplewe had forty-five per cent and the government had forty-seven per cent. If we include the JVPand the Democratic Party it will be fifty three per cent. We had discussions and the majority of the party believed in a coalition. I personally believe the best scenario would be fielding someone common. We cannot risk this. If this election goes on for eight years, people will not have the democratic right to vote for such a long time. We had to bring everybody to one stage. It is fantastic that the daughter of the founder of the SLFP Chandrika Bandaranaike, General Sarath Fonseka and Rathana Thera are with us. Also the JVP is indirectly saying to vote for Maithripala Sirisena by saying not to vote for Mahinda Rajapaksa. With all these we have a very good chance of securing a victory.


If the UNPitself started the campaign by bringing its own candidate to say that we would abolish the executive presidency, people would not believe it. What we want the people to understand is the repercussions of the executive presidency. My only fear is people in the villages would not understand what
harm the executive presidency could do. The biggest challenge is explaining to people what we are fighting for. We are short of time but hopefully people will understand what we are fighting for.


Q Why Maithripala Sirisena was selected over Ranil? Also you stated you are short of time. Does that mean the UNP did not have a plan for a Presidential election?

We did. But we had a debate among ourselves whether to field a common candidate as I mentioned earlier. Maithripala Sirisena’s name popped up as he is a politician with a long standing. Also he is a veteran politician. He clearly states Ranil Wickremesinghe will be opted as the Prime Minister.However, the challenge is huge as I see a lot of negative campaigning is going on. The state media is disclosing what Maithripala said about the President earlier. Similarly, there are lots of things which MR has said about him. But all these videos are with the Rupavahini Corporation and the opposition has no access to them.


We always had a plan. But we tried to get everyone together and signed a memorandum of understanding Which we have done and all of us are working together. The amount of people who have crossed over is vast and we are way ahead. I am surprised how prominent artistes come out for our campaign. Therefore there is a definite change.


Q Some say the CBKRanil alliance is unholy. Don’t you think this will be detrimental?

My personal opinion is CBK has to do something to make up for all the bad she did in 2004 to Ranil Wickremesinghe. She knows that she created this demon and she is responsible in creating Mahinda Rajapaksa’s regime. I think she regrets it and she wants to pay back for the wrong she did to Ranil.
I believe she is a great lady and she has lots of courage. She is a person who would not say no. She has a political body language when she speaks to people. Ranil is a very smart politician and CBK has a very good control. She is equally good in her PR. I think they both realise the mistakes they commited and they want to rectify them.Chandrika does not have any intention to get into politics. I have asked her and she refused. She was not greedy for power.


Q It seems that the UNP does not have a larger voters’ base when it comes to ground level. Why is that?

You cannot say that we do not have it. Yes it is urban centred and middle class is our vote base. Down-trodden people are always being mislead. It is something lacking in our campaign and we now have changed the system. The best example is that we lost only by 5000 votes in the Badulla District. There was lot of bribing and money being given. Innocent down trodden people sometimes get carried away with the gifts they are being given. Then they feel obligated to vote when that happens.

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