Adapting to new normal with IoT driven attendance.

According to research, the most common method of transmitting the prevailing deadly virus is through infected surfaces. The ideal scenario would be to avoid touching surfaces which could be infected already. However, as an employer, taking absolutely stringent measures to protect employees are crucial. Having understood the dilemma that organisations face, hSenid, the leading HR Solutions provider in Sri Lanka has brought in an IoT driven attendance solution to help organisations protect their biggest asset, their employees. 

Many organisations have replaced biometric attendance with IoT driven attendance solutions for safety measures. hSenid’s touchless attendance solution gives the ability to check-in employees with thermal scanning and track visitors. This system is connected to an IoT sensor-powered door which will restrict access if the temperature is higher than normal and auto apply leave on behalf of the employee. hSenid also offers the option for an employee to place their meal requirement through the integrated meal management system. HR departments can even monitor an employee’s temperature in different intervals and will be alerted if there is a temperature rise during a short span of time.

Introducing IoT driven attendance for employees working on shifts.
In instances where there are factories and warehouses with workers reporting on a shift basis, it is important to have controls and monitoring mechanisms in place. Many companies from apparel and manufacturing industries currently use hSenid headcount management systems where the turnstile only opens to the employees who are allocated to work within the said time frame and displays the total count of employees within the company premises in real time. Within a click, the live count view on a dashboard can be viewed with details of their last access point. The hSenid solution entails a portable device which can be used to measure the headcount at the evacuation point and assembly point, letting HR know which employees are missing at the assembly point comparing the count at check-in vs evacuation. 

Hybrid Kiosk to capture employee satisfaction, meal preference and temperature with a single sign-in
Some industries like Food & Beverages, where customer service plays a major role, capturing the employee mood and satisfaction is a key indicator. hSenid has developed a hybrid solution to capture attendance, temperature, employee satisfaction while entering the building. If the company provides meals to employees, they can enter their meal requirement, collect the meal coupon and go to their respective workstation. Organisations also can check daily reports of employee satisfaction, attendance and temperature within teams and individually, and analyze data to take proactive measures accordingly. 

Ethical employee tracking with Beacons for field force management
Hourly paid employees, in food, construction, retail and other industries require diligence. It can be difficult to keep track of employees on an hourly basis, but knowing with certainty what hours they worked or not can be helpful to avoid trouble in the future.

Beacons can easily and accurately track the presence and movement of employees. Instead of asking them (and reminding them) to update their status in a time tracking program, all employees have to do in a proximity-based solution is to walk near a beacon.

Touchless attendance and workflow management for employee transport services.
HR and managers get a heads up prior to the starting of a shift, the check-in and temperature of the employee, before the previous employee ends his/her shift. If there are any absentees, supervisors will have ample time to balance their cadre. Once the employee’s check-in while entering the bus, the supervisor will be alerted that the employee for the upcoming shift is on the way to the production, giving an advantage for the supervisor on his day-to-day planning which has a direct impact on the production. Supervisors can also track the locations of vehicles in real-time and get alerts when the vehicle arrives at the premises. Many factories experience this service already, which has made their workflow and cadre balancing smooth and hassle-free. 

What does the future have in store for operational HR
IoT-enabled solutions combined with beacons will make everyday attendance and time tracking smooth and easy with a simple check-in process. Employees ID cards will be replaced with Beacons which will automatically register when an employee enters and exits from the premises. With this smart office tool, HR and employees can keep track of attendance, leaves and early exits. hSenid has many user cases in an IOT based workplace environment which has replaced the traditional business culture into a next gen smart office. Keeping up with the present trend, it is refreshing to see many organisations in Sri Lanka adopting smart HR solutions to make their workplace more comfortable and collaborative for employees. 

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