Aviraté Takes On ‘Garments without Guilt’

Aviraté - an international fashion brand owned by Timex Garments (Pvt) Ltd - is making waves yet again for achieving the ‘Garments without Guilt’ certification- a first for a Sri Lankan Retail Brand.
Back in August of 2017, Aviraté stirred things up in the retail industry with the launch of the first ever‘Virtual Mirror’ in Sri Lanka- a high tech ‘mirror’ that allows customers to ‘try on’ in-store garments without having to undo a single button. Followed by the launch of an Omnichannel in their Flagship Store to provide customers with a seamlessly integrated shopping experiencewhether they are shopping online from a desktop or mobile device or physically at the store. Furthering their efforts in redefining the in-store shopping experience in Sri Lanka, Aviraté launched their 3D VirtualStore – a 24-hour open ‘virtual walkthrough’ that allows customers to ‘walk’ through the Flagship Store and purchase items straight from the comfort of their homes.
        Virtual Mirror at Aviraté Flagship Store                       3D Virtual Store of Aviraté Flagship Store
Most recently, Aviraté has shifted its focus towards‘Garments without Guilt’, aninitiative launched by Sri Lanka’s Apparel Manufacturers, who came together through the Joint Apparel Association Forum (JAAF). The intention behind this initiative is to make the 'Made in Sri Lanka' label synonymous with not only quality and reliability but also social and environmental accountability. The initiative promotes the need for positive and ethical working conditions among the garment factory workers in the country and educates the global fashion community of the positive steps taken to uplift environment and labour force conditions in Sri Lanka. 
Following this initiative, Timex Garments (Pvt) Ltd - an apparel designer, manufacturer and exporter of women’s garments,an active member of JAAFand the sole manufacturer of Aviraté garments - was quick to follow suit and implement systems that ensured that all factories operating under them adhered to the key requirements needed to achieve the ‘Garments without Guilt’ certification.
These key requirements set forth by the Charter to ensure high labour and environmental standards and in order for companies to qualify for the ‘Garments without Guilt’ certification are as follows: 
Free of Child Labor
Free of Forced Labor
Free of Discrimination
Free of Sweatshop Practices
Providing limits on working hours within those prescribed by the law
Guaranteeing workers the right to Freedom of Association
Requiring that workers receive all legally required pay and benefits
Ensuring that workplaces are safe, with specific requirement for the management of these issues
Responsible Environmental Practices
Accordingly, with the manufacture of ALLAviraté garmentshandled by Timex Garments (Pvt) Ltd, Aviratéwill henceforth carry the ‘Garments without Guilt’ tag with all of their garments. 
 “With the ‘Garments without Guilt’ tag we will be able to inform our customers that Aviraté’s garments are not only of good quality but most importantly manufactured in factories that are both labour friendly and eco-friendly”, stated Asim Younoos, Chief Executive Officer of Aviraté (Pvt) Ltd.

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