Comprehensive facilities for cancer care at Durdans Hospital

With rising incidents of cancer the demand for better cancer care facilities has become urgent.

Initial medical review, diagnostic investigations and examinations, several treatment modalities and counselling are available through Durdans Oncological Services.

Common to rare forms of cancer are treated with advanced medical management, complemented by compassionate cancer care.

Once a cancer is suspected, radiological investigations and lab tests are performed to correctly diagnose the type, cancer stage, exact location and its spread.

A treatment plan is developed based on the above factors, also taking into account the age and medical history of the patient. The treatment plan formulated may involve a combination of therapies.

Targeted therapy is a key modality for treatment of cancer. Therapies such as microwave ablation or chemotherapy, for example, can be used to target specific cells, tissues, genes or proteins in the body that contribute to cancer’s growth or survival.

Radiation therapy is another, under which, several modalities of treatment are available; each successful in treating a cancer according to its size, shape and location. These target the affected area, reducing damage to healthy cells and tissues, allowing for better outcomes.

Surgery is a major form of treatment for removing a cancer. Onco-surgery deals with removing the affected area via surgery. Experience and area of specialisation by the onco-surgeon can affect the outcome of the onco-surgery, for example an onco-surgeon specialising in head and neck cancers can remove cancers in the throat and facial structures.

Durdans Hospital is equipped to provide full range of cancer care. Its pool of consultant specialist onco-surgeons, consultant oncologists, multidisciplinary specialists and oncology trained nurses are supported by accredited and widely accessible laboratory services, advanced radiological services as well as endoscopy facilities. A separate ward is also available for obtaining chemotherapy which is given on a daycare basis.

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