DFCC Bank is the Principal Sponsor of the CNCI Achiever Awards 2018

Mr. Raja Hewabowala – Chairman, CNCI, Mr. Newton Wiickramasuriya - Past Chairman/Board of Trustee, CNCI, Mr. Lakshman Silva – CEO, DFCC Bank and Mr. K.C. Vignarajah - Past Chairman/Board of Trustee, CNCI.

DFCC Bank has announced their support for the CNCI Achiever Awards 2018, as the principal sponsor and the official banking partner of the Awards.

In sponsoring this event, DFCC Bank partners with The Ceylon National Chamber of Industries (CNCI), the pioneering association of industrialists in the country. The CNCI Achiever Awards has come to be recognised as a benchmark award for various industries in the country, and is being organised for the 17th consecutive year. The Awards ceremony is scheduled to be held in August 2018.

“We are proud to be partnering with the CNCI Achiever Awards 2018, because it recognises and rewards the innovation and excellence of Sri Lanka’s industrialists,” says Lakshman Silva – CEO, DFCC Bank. “We are committed to the development of Sri Lanka’s industrial sector, which has great potential for growth and expansion. We have seen the hard work and resilience shown by our industrialists in the face of challenging circumstances and rapidly evolving global trends and we believe this fighting spirit and striving for excellence should be rewarded and recognised.”

Mr. Lakshman Silva, CEO – DFCC Bank addressing the gathering at the official launch of the CNCI Achiever Awards

The Achiever Awards have been designed by the Ceylon National Chamber of Industries to promote industrial growth in the country by recognising and rewarding those industrialists who have excelled in their businesses. The Awards focus on several areas: quality standards, productivity, corporate plan, research and development, employee benefits, labour relations etc. while ensuring the social and environmental obligations are fulfilled. 

Over the years, The Achiever Awards has showcased a number of industrialists who have contributed to the growth of the country and have become leading business people in Sri Lanka today.

Applications for the CNCI Achiever Awards are subjected to a stringent evaluation procedure - initially by an external Audit Firm, then an internal panel of judges consisting of Chartered Accountants and Engineers and finally an external panel of Judges. The Achiever Awards 2018 applications are now open and can be obtained on the CNCI website. 



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