Ride4Ceylon Heads East

It’s that time of year again. The Ride for Ceylon planning team are busy executing the finer points for the 2023 ride.

Ride4Ceylon is the fundraising branch of the U.K. based charity Friends of Manipay Hospital. Initially set up by brothers, Prof Jayantha & Anandan Arnold, the charity is now one of the largest charity cycling rides in South East Asia. The 2023 ride has already been oversubscribed and that’s before the official registration date.

Alarmed and somewhat saddened by the dilapidated state of the previously renowned Green Memorial Hospital, the charity was set up to raise funds and restore the hospital to its former glory.

By cycling approx 475km, each rider raises funds through donations and sponsorship to facilitate the above mentioned project.

Over fifty cyclists from around the world, will participate in R4C2023. Included in the mix are City Tatts, the Sydney based group of cyclists, headed up by, Ride Captain, Kumar Kalyanakumar.

With grit and determination, the riders will peddle along the coastal route from Arugam Bay to Northern Jaffna. Being held from 1-4 March 2023, the aim is to collect the means required to purchase a digital X-ray machine, approx 30 million rupees.

R4C Co Founder, David Rasiah, and Chief Ride Organiser, Nishantha Abeyawardena, recently briefed the Tourism Minister, Hon Harin Fernando, of their plans.

Well organised, each ride has been supported by the Sri Lankan police, thereby guaranteeing a smooth passage for those involved. With the transport arrangements left in the safe hands of Noel Joseph, nothing is left to chance.

R4C Co Founder and Spokesman, Sriomal De Silva, stated that though the ride provides a great deal of camaraderie and fun, the main purpose of the ride is always of paramount importance and at the forefront of everyone’s mind.

Following this year’s successful mini ride in London, the team are aiming to expand the number of participants, by holding rides internationally.

Through all their endeavours, Ride4Ceylon has sought to bridge the north south divide, whilst raising funds and spotlighting Sri Lanka as a top tourist destination.

For further information, please check out www.ride4ceylon.com

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