SLT celebrates Thai Pongal with families in Vavuniya

Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT), organized a special Thai Pongal celebration recently at the Teplikulm Community Centre, in Vellikulum Village, Vavuniya. This event was successfully concluded with the participation of religious leaders, VavuniyaPolice, school children, principals, volunteers of the community center as well as families living in the area

During the event, 50 dry ration packs were distributed to 50 under-privileged families and also 50 school bags and stationaries were distributed to 50 students. Further, English  book  packs for school libraries were also distributed to schools in the nearby area. The community welcomed SLT with warm hearts and also organized a special cultural event performed by school children and also made pongal rice at the event as a tribute, to show their appreciation to the company. A Kolum competition was also held and winners awarded with SLT’s support.

SLT envisions making a difference in the community by promoting equality, unity and harmony amongst the different races and religions in the country. This is one such event organized by the company with this vision in mind. SLT will continue to organize programmes and activities aimed at maintaining harmony and unity amongst the different races and religions in the country during this new year 2019 as well.

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