Spark’18– A Resounding Success– Hosted by Royal College , Colombo

Changing the innovation landscape for the betterment of Sri Lanka, Royal College took a giant stride when it hosted Spark’18, the largest innovation and invention exhibition in Sri Lanka from 25 to 28 September 2018. With Sri Lanka ranked a mere 88th in the Global Innovation Index in terms of innovation performance, Royal College saw an opportunity to enhance the country’s innovation capacity by inspiring the younger generation.

With over 700 exhibits on display, the thousands that attended the four day long exhibition would have been awestricken and amazed by the talent of the school children, who have thought out of the box in coming up with ideas, innovations and inventions to solve many day to day problems.  Innovations displayed were not limited to those students of Royal College, but also included innovations from children representing schools from across the country, both rural and urban. Spark 2018 was aptly supported by the Sri Lanka Inventors Commission, the apex body to promote innovativeness amongst Sri Lankans, who got onboard the country’s Top 10 inventions at the exhibition as well. 

Complementing the innovation of the young children, the Sri Lanka Army, Sri Lanka Navy and Sri Lanka Air Forced displayed their innovations as well as research and development initiatives. A keyattraction drawing in a large crowd was the Future Pavilion powered by Dialog Axiata, the Principal Sponsors of Spark’18, who showcased innovative technologies through their idea martplatform. Inspiring many students to leverage on technology for innovations, Microsoft Sri Lanka conducted a series of seminars for students and teachers during the exhibition. 

The exhibition was inaugurated on the first day by Hon. Akila Viraj Kariyawasam, Minister of Education alongside Principal Royal College B.A. Abeyrathna, Project Chairman of Spark’18 Rizan Nazeer and Secretary of the School Development Society Asanga Peiris. The second day witnessed the distinguished presence of Hon. Lakshman Kiriella, Minister of Public Enterprise & Kandy City Development and Hon. Gayantha Karunathilaka Minister of Lands and Parliamentary Reforms. The third day of the exhibition was inaugurated by Hon. Mangala Samaraweea Minister of Finance and Mass Media and Hon. Eran Wickramaratne, State Minister of Finance while the fourth day was ceremoniously declared open by Hon. Rauff Hakeem, Minister of City Planning and Water Supply; Hon. Faiszer Musthapha, Minister of Local Governments, Provincial Councils and Sports and Hon. Karunarathna Paranavithana,  Deputy Minister of Science, Technology, Research, Skills Development & Vocational Training and Kandyan Heritage.

Spark’18 is powered by Dialog Axiata PLC as the Principal Sponsorship along-side Food & Beverage Partner Elephant House, Technological Partner Microsoft Sri Lanka, Banking Partner HNB, Co- Sponsors National Lotteries Board and Development Lotteries Board, Printing Partner Softwave and Creative Partner Xtreme Youth.


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